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ページID:0001059 更新日:2024年2月7日更新 印刷ページ表示

Abashiri Citizen's Charter

Embraced by the sea of Okhotsk,
Surrounded by the beautiful nature of lakes and forests,
Bearing in our hearts the strength of our ancestors who have cultivated this land through the wind and the snow,
Appreciating the boundless joy and pride in being citizens of this city,
Aspiring to become good citizens to further develop Abashiri,
We, the citizens of Abashiri City, herein establish our citizen's charter.

1. We shall create a beautiful city, whose spirit is enriched by the deep color of the sea and mountains for all time.
2.We shall learn from our inherited past and, linking hands with people around the world, create a city with a brand-new Okhotsk Culture.
3.We shall create a city of happiness, where we treat each other with sincerity, take care of the elderly, and nurture the dreams of our children.
4.We shall create a city where we encourage a healthy work-life and purpose for being.
5.We shall, with everyone's combined strength, create a wonderfully bright and great city in which to live, where all people's lives are treated with care.